Smart-e buildings
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Stop your building from wasting energy. Take your energy back by constructing or renovating your building with efficient and renewable technologies. Get updated here, share your experience and support the Smart-energy buildings campaign!
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European Solar Thermal Industry Federation - ESTIF The European Solar Thermal Industry Federation represents members consisting of manufacturers, service providers and national associations, which collectively hold 95% of today’s solar thermal market. It is our mission to achieve high priority and acceptance for Solar Thermal as a key element for sustainable heating and cooling in Europe. We are working for the implementation of all steps necessary to realise the high potential of Solar Thermal. |
European Photovoltaic Industry Association - EPIA The European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA) is the world's largest industry association devoted to the solar electricity market. The association aims to promote photovoltaics at the national, European and worldwide levels and to assist its members in the development of their businesses in both the European Union and in export markets. |
ApE - Agencija za prestrukturiranje energetike d.o.o. Energy Restructuring Agency (ApE) is one of the leading Slovenian independent consulting companies in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. Our range of services include energy demand analyses, execution of energy concepts, feasibility studies, master plans, concept engineering, project management, financing and supervision and promotional activities and research work on the field of energy etc. |
Associação Portuguesa da Indústria Solar |
Ambiente Italia |
Austria Solar Austria Solar is an industry association of over 200 members, working on public awareness, quality assurance and framework conditions for solar thermal energy. |
Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft e.V.
German Solar Industry Association |
CeLIM Shqipëri |
Czech RE Agency, o.p.s. |
DSF - Dansk Solvarme Forening |
EC BREC Institute for Renewable Energy |
ENERPLAN ENERPLAN is the French solar professional association. Enerplan aims to develop solar thermal and photovoltaic in France. Our missions are to promote solar energy, to support solar professionals and to structure solar activities. |
EREC - European Renewable Energy Council The European Renewable Energy Council (EREC) is the umbrella organisation of the European renewable energy industry, trade and research associations active in the sectors of bioenergy, geothermal, ocean, small hydropower, solar electricity, solar thermal and wind energy. EREC represents 30 billion € turnover and provides jobs to around 350.000 people! |
ESTELA is a European Industry Association created to support the emerging European solar thermal electricity industry for the generation of green power in Europe and abroad, mainly in the Mediterranean region. |
EUFORES EUFORES is a European parliamentary network with Members from all major political groups in the European Parliament as well as in the national EU Member States Parliaments. EUFORES’ core objective is the promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency in Europe. EUFORES is an independent, non-profit organisation founded 1995 by Members of Parliament and other key actors and is today a leading promoter of renewable energy and energy efficiency. |
Green Dossier |
Energikontoren Sverige(ES) |
Holland Solar Holland Solar is the Dutch Solar Trade association. The members are active in the field of solar thermal energy and photovoltaic energy. The organization currently has more than100 members from architect, to installer, to energy provider and of course suppliers (of parts) of solar energy systems. The association is a platform to exchange knowledge among her members and tries to influence local and national politics in favor of solar energy. |
Kötháló |
Norsk solenergiforening
Phone: +47 45268682 |
ODE-Vlaanderen vzw
RHC-Platform - Renewable Heating and Cooling - European Technology Platform The establishment of the European Solar Thermal Technology Platform (ESTTP) was a very important step in the development of solar thermal technology as a significant energy source, meeting heating and cooling demands in Europe. The ESTTP has now evolved into the European Technology Platform on Renewable Heating & Cooling (RHC-Platform) which brings together stakeholders from the biomass, geothermal and solar thermal sector - including the related industries - to define a common strategy for increasing the use of renewable energy technologies for heating and cooling. |
SkRea Slovak RE Agency |
Schweizerische Vereinigung für Sonnenenergie SSES
17&4 Organisationsberatung GmbH 17&4 Organisationsberatung GmbH (17&4 Consulting Ltd.) is a consulting enterprise for Sustainable Development projects following the intentions of the AGENDA 21. The main fields of action of 17&4 are sustainable building and energy, participation and applied ecology. 17&4 has a long-time experience in adult education and vocational training, consulting, transdisciplinary research and project management and has managed and participated in various projects on national and international level in the stated work areas. 17&4 has 6 employees, managing directors are Christian Schrefel and DI Johannes Fechner. |